yarnbombing And Yarnbombing Your House

‘Have you ever yarnbombed your home ? ” The magazine editor asked ” I’m really interested in interior design ”

This was a very interesting idea to me and also very funny. Yarnbombing my home !  My home had been bombed with yarn completely in just the terrorist mess way , there is yarn  and knitting everywhere.  Not in a home decor sort of way.

I like it when some one else gives me some structure so I decided to yarnbomb some furniture . I didn’t want to yarnbomb a whole room , my work is to colorful and I need my home to be a still calm  place .  But I thought it would be beautiful to see knitting on a small complex stool . Actually I thought it would be fine to yarnbomb 100 of them but perhaps start with one . I bought 2 stools from Wal Mart and sat down and waited for them to be shipped .

I got tired of waiting and decided to yarnbomb a stool I had already . When you have a new idea and you are excited it’s important to start right away and use that excitement as fuel . I had to knit many tiny fussy strips and measure constantly. It took a really long time . I talked to myself in an encouraging way-

” This is just the first one, it’s ok to mess up ”

“You learning something new, that is a slow thing ”

” You are going to get to keep this, it’s ok that it’s taking your time – time is converting into art ”

After 2 weeks the stools arrived at Wal Mart and I went to get them . That was scary , my heavens .  However the stools were amazingly good. I started sewing up my knitting . Learning , learning.

When I finished I had looked at it for so long that I couldn’t see it anymore. I took many pictures and liked the knitting best outdoors. More yarnbomby .

I’m fascinated , perplexed, anxious and pleased about this yarnbomb. Hmmm 99 more to do.

4 thoughts on “yarnbombing And Yarnbombing Your House

  1. Cute, I’ve seen people yarn bomb pipes inside old apartments that old hot water heat, and I’ve seen it around the drainage pipes and eaves on a house exterior! Apartment Therapy has yarn bombed twigs in a vase afew hears back.

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